Hey. I told you.

[Time to become a fan. Enough with the unbiased stuff for now.]

The Lakers are one win away from eliminating the Spurs! Aryt.

Game 5 is in Los Angeles, where the Spurs lost the first two games of the series. What would happen in Game 5? It's pretty obvious for me. Yes, the Spurs almost won Game 1 and Game 4. But they didn't. So shut up.

Apparently, the Spurs are getting old. Michael Finley, Brent Barry, Robert Horry, Bruce Bowen, and Manu Ginobili. All banged up, stiff, and old. Old, old, old. Yeah, and they're one game away from being knocked out.

Will the Spurs fight back? Of course they will look to fight back. They're the defending champs[thanks to last year's weak east]. But after this close loss at home, I don't think they still have anything left in their gas tank. It's veeery exhausting to lose a two-point game. So exhausting that they'll lose their next game, thanks to fatigue, and a very low morale.

Without any bias, I predicted it to be Lakers in 7.

But hey, Lakers in 5 is better. ^^

[sleeping time||kill me. Spurs fan?]


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