Kenyo on MYX Live!

When my favorite band Orange and Lemons disbanded[for some f*cking reason], I became restless and started looking for an OPM alternative. Whenever I hear an ONL-like song on the radio, especially the British Rock sounding ones, I always make it a point to find it and hear it again [like Monobloc by Pupil]. And though their second album is yet unheard of, The Bloomfields were also there to provide me with more British rocking. I didn't need Clem Castro anymore [his band Camerawalls, though, has an upcoming album].

Still, there was something missing. That folk-influenced pop rock feel was nowhere to be found. That feel that made ONL hits, like Pinoy Ako, Hanggang Kailan, and Ang Katulad Mong Walang Katulad, hits.

And then Kenyo came talong. Their album Radiosurfing was just what I needed. Although it didn't necessarily have that classy ONL sound with Clem on it, it still had that easily identifibale ONL-folk-pop-rock feel. The album is mostly composed of 80's covers, but with a twist. Some songs are actually medleys of two or more songs. Their first single "Sana", originally by Florante, has a snippet of "Handog", another Florante song, near the end. The lone original, "Radio" still sounds like the rest of the album, and contains parts of 80's hits such as "Radio Gaga" and "Video Killed the Radio Star". The songs in the album will bring you back to the 80's or introduce you to it if you are not familiar with it.

Let Kenyo give you a taste of their refreshing brand of OPM as they perform on MYX Live! Tonight at 9, with replays throughout the week.


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