[Can you believe it??? The Lakers beat the Spurs in 5!!! And now they're on the Finals!!!!!!!11111ONEONEONE]

Of course you can. [Spurs fans?]

The Lakers won Game 5 by eight points, from being down 17, thanks to Bryant's 39 points and Gasol's 19 rebounds. Despite the Spurs' quick start which gave them the early lead, and Tim Duncan's triple-double, they seemed to have lost energy in the second half, when the youthful Lakers outran them and slowly chipped into the game.

Thanks to this win, the Lakers are Western Conference Champions for the first time since trading Shaquille O'Neal. They will be facing the winner of the Celtics-Pistons series[which I know will be the Celtics], on a disadvantage. Whether it's the Pistons or the Celtics[but I really know it's the Celtics^^], four games will be played away from the Staples Center. However, they'll be getting a week's rest before Game 1 of the Finals[try to stop the urges, Kobe... please.].

Emdyey's say: [HAH!! I told you!] A year after calling the team a "mess", the MVP is back in the Finals, and this time, without Shaq. [His "childish" acts in the pre-season proved beneficial, didn't it? [Skeptics?]] The Lakers actually have the best chance to win the title, for me, since they are performing better on the road so far, compared to either the Celtics or the Pistons. They also have a perfect home record in the post-season, and I don't think they'll be disappointing their home fans, and in the Finals. Moreover, they have the youngest lineup among the three remaining teams.

[I want the Celtics to win the title, actually. By one point, thanks to Ray Allen's 38-foot bank shot in the last second of the third overtime in Game 7 of the Finals. That close. Why? The Lakers have five or six more years left to catch two or more titles, while the Celtics only have this season and the next one to do so. It's all about staying power, and the Celtics don't have much.]

By the way, the Celtics are up, 3-2. One win away from renewing the rivalry.


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