Boston leads series, 2-1.

Their first road win of the postseason couldn't have happened at a better time.

After six straight road losses in two consecutive series, the Boston Celtics finally snatched one away from home, with a 94-80 win in Detroit. Thanks to a solid contribution from the Big Three, whose points totaled half of the team's points, and 12 points each from Rondo, Posey, and Perkins, the Celtics led most of the way, if not the whole game[didn't see the whole game. woke up late].

Yeah. I underestimated the Celtics mystique once again. Probably, because of Ray Allen's passive performance throughout the playoffs, the Big Three seems to be reduced to a mere tandem of Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce, with Allen just an auxiliary shooter. But signs of aggressiveness from him in the past two games make me think again.

Maybe the Celtics-Lakers match-up almost everybody's been dreaming about would happen after all. The Celtics just have to protect their homecourt[again] now that they've regained their advantage. But can they keep it up against the ever-resilient Pistons?

The Celtics led by 18 at halftime, according to Yahoo! Sports, but when I woke up and turned the TV on, the Pistons were on a run. Series of plays late in the fourth, including a steal by Tayshaun Prince, followed by a three by Chauncey Billups and a dunk by Prince, brought the Pistons to within 9. I thought they were gonna make a huge comeback, as the Celtics seemed rattled, missing free throws and turning the ball over, but thanks to Rodney Stuckey's ill-advised shots, and an in-and-out miss by Billups from downtown, the win was sealed. Still, they didn't lose without a giving the Celtics a fight, did they?

The Pistons should bounce back and try to win the next one at the Garden, I expect them to really be on fire this time.

We've got a see-saw series out there. Exciting.


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