The Lakers are up 2-0, thanks to a 101-71 win.

If they win the next game in San Antonio, it's a wrap. The Spurs should look to fight back, being the champions that they are. However, they're not against the Hornets anymore, and judging the way they played today, they must have lost a lot of energy in the last series. The series where they came back from the same 0-2 hole. They may not have enough energy to pull off the same feat anymore.

The Lakers, on the other hand, have the MVP, and the best support cast in the world. They also had all the rest they could ask for. This series is turning out to be shorter than expected.

The Celtics-Pistons series is tied at 1-1, after the Pistons ended the Celtics' home winning streak yesterday. It may not look so bad, but it's very scary for Boston, who has yet to win a road game. Because now, they have to.

The Celtics are 0-6 on the road, as they have been relying on their home crowd to win games. Two consecutive series of luck at home is all they could get. Maybe they were hoping to do the same thing until they reach the finals, but not here. Not now.

Not against the Pistons.

Their string of luck ends here, and now, they are the ones at a disadvantage. The road woes will stay, unless they win in Detroit. Game 3 is very crucial, and the Detroit fans should be on fire. I expect the Celtics to try and win this game, but fall short. They need Ray Allen to continue his newfound stroke, and to keep out of foul trouble, as Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce will still be their normal 25-point selves.

Detroit is a playoff-tested team, while no one can take away the fact that although Boston is a very hungry team, they are still inexperienced. The Pistons have seen the hole in that Celtics greatness, and will be looking to take full advantage of it. Pistons in 7.

Are the Celtics going home after the series?


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