A Nicole Post

Spot the difference.

Can you see it?

Aside from the extra on the left.


Here they go:
  • Nicole has larger ears. You just can't see it in here, but yeah.
  • Vanessa Carlton is way hotter.
  • Nicole is a lot less hotter.
  • Nicole is a lot less hotter.
  • Nicole is a lot less hotter. [seems like it on TV. not on these pics, though.]
And... *tantananaan*

  • Vanessa Carlton CAN live for a day without sitting on a guy's lap. Really.
What the heck Nicole? First you can't get off Josef's. You even left your boyfriend outside weeping. And now it's Alex? And on national TV! How role model-y of you... *clap clap* Really. I wouldn't be surprised if little girls right now turn out to be "Little Nikki"s in the future. Yeah. "Little Nikki"s. Devilish. >=/

Wala eh. Tsk.


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