
Taken from Pinoy Fries:

(credits go to Yahoo Sports)

Manny Pacquiao is the first Asian to win four boxing title belts. Pacquiao knocks out David Diaz in the 9th round to win the WBC Lightweight Championship at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas.

Manny cut David Diaz in the 4th round, after which he dominated. In the 9th round, Pacquiao lands a right-left comibination which sent Diaz facedown to the mat.

Manny displayed speed and prowess in what seems to be his best fight as of the moment. He got it on at the center of the ring, all the time avoiding Diaz's "brawler" style. He made use of his right jab to avoid Diaz's attacks. Moving up to lightweight was not a problem for him.

The event was graced by the presence of the Boston Celtics, which Manny Pacquiao openly supported during the NBA Finals.

A round-by-round recap can be found here.

Congrats Pac-man! Mabuhay ang Pilipino!


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