< PG > Marks The Spot.

Procrastinator, Betamax, and the extra CD with remixes of their past hits.

Those were the three, make that four[plus the stickersXD] reasons why I bought Sandwich's new album <> Marks The Spot. And also, being an anti-OPM piracy advocate, I'd rather not eat breakfast for a week than infringe the copyrights of our great great Filipino artists[Mamatay ang mga pirata ng OPM!!!]. Uhrm. Anyway.

So yeah. There were only five reasons at the beginning. But when I ripped open the CD's plastic packaging, started listening to it, reading the lyrics, several more reasons flooded me:

  • The cool packaging. The sleeve design was well done, as it had that artsy and abstract-ish Pinoy look. It's either that or I was feeling patriotic at that time.
  • In the lyrics page, they had maps[or whatever you may call that] of Bulacan and Manila, among other places. Asteeg.
  • The remixes were better than expected. They had five consecutive DVDX remixes[Myrene's was the best], and I didn't get tired of listening. The bonus CD had Zaido, too.
  • The new songs were great. Call me mababaw, but I was surprised to hear and read something like this in one of their songs:
"...text if you wanna sex me,
beep if you wanna sleep..."
[hehe. pretty out of character, I must say.]
  • The album, overall, had a classy Manila rock feel that's more Sandwich-ish and less Hotdog-ish. Good for a rainy day.

  • Sandwich rocks!!!!!!!! Buy the album now! Don't download. Please?


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