Who wouldn't expect the Spurs to bounce back, for at least one game, against the Lakers?

Who could predict what would exactly happen in the Celtics-Pistons series?

No one. Really.

The Spurs were on their homecourt, and Ginobili has had enough frustration to break the ice and lead the Spurs to a Game 3 victory. I didn't get to watch the game, but I kept track of the score in my phone. It started close, and though the Spurs were leading whenever I looked at the score, I thought the Lakers had a chance in the first half. But things went out of hand in the second half as the Spurs threw runs after runs against the most probably shocked Lakers.

It's just Game 3. The Lakers are still up 2-1. The Spurs win was really meant to happen. Wanna know what's not meant to happen? The Spurs giving the Lakers a taste of how the Hornets felt. I expect the Lakers to finish the season for the defending champs. Soon. Kobe and Gasol should be on fire next game.

Detroit won a while ago, thanks to McDyess' 22-16, and Hamilton stepping up against Allen. This weird see-saw series is tied at 2-2. If the Celtics win another road game, that's pretty much it. They can alo just protect their homecourt[again]. On the other hand, Detroit has to win one in Boston to at least have a chance, and I think they can do it. Yeah. They have the momentum right now. Yeah. It's stil Detroit in 7 for me. Detroit in 7, skeptics.

I'd rather see the Celtics go up against the Lakers in the Finals, though. ^^

Two sides-the fan, and the fortune teller.


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